The Only Way You Can Beat Social Anxiety

The only way you can beat social anxiety is by getting a job in a restaurant — it forces you to interact with lots of people until you get comfortable around them. It is crucial to do the things that you're afraid of. 

I've been socially anxious and awkward my whole life and I believed that I'll never be able to become "normal." 

If you have a friend with a similar problem or someone that can accompany you, go out together and challenge yourselves to talk with strangers. Go to a mall and strike up a conversation no matter how anxious you're getting. You don't have to be worried about the reactions of other people; the majority of them are kind and they are willing to help. 

Remember that in the end, your progress is the only thing that matters: if you're not learning the game of socialization, you won't be having a meaningful life. You won't understand other people. You won't be able to get a good job, or if you will, it will be hard to keep it. 

Start from the premise that it's truly possible to fix your social anxiety issue and become a master at talking to people. You might even become better than someone who was socialized properly in early childhood — for real. 

Simply do the things that you're afraid of and in two to three years, you'll get decent at them.


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